how to give

Cheque / Money Order (mail)
Please make your C/MO out to “Keystone Victoria” and send it to:
Keystone Victoria
PO Box 2502
Sidney, BC
V8L 3Z5



How to send an E-Transfer:
1. Login to your bank. Each bank uses a slightly different method to send an E-Transfer so you will need to make yourself familiar with your banks current setup. Note that there may be fees associated with sending an E-Transfer, based on your bank and type of bank account package you have.


3. If you are asked to submit a Security Question / Answer, please use VICTORIA (this will allow us to “ACCEPT” the transfer)

4. If possible PLEASE include a note with your e-transfer stating it is for David and Jeanne / Leadership Live. If you are not able, just send an email to to let us know it is for them.

Thank you for your support and generosity!

A tax deductible receipt will be issued for either method you choose.