For all the promises of God find their yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.  2 Corinthians 2:20  

ALL the promises of God find their ‘Yes’ in Christ.  Our job is to utter the ‘So be it’  to the promises we hold bringing glory to God from a place of absolute confidence in Him to perform what He has promised.  


Let us not loose sight of Romans 8:32; He who spared not His own son has, with Him has freely given us all things.

Ephesians 1:3 We have been blessed in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. Everything we have need of has has been provided for us, in Christ.

Colossians 2:9 reminds us we are complete in Him.  Jesus has destroyed the power of the devil.  He has translated us out of the dominion of sin, the Kingdom of darkness, and we reign in this life by Him.  We are more than conquerors through him who loved us. This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith. 


We need to make sure that we are fully trusting God in and through all of life’s opportunities.  The danger of knowing truth is just that - knowing. Knowing doesn’t necessarily mean we also believe them.  We can mentally assent to a truth but that does not in any way equate to active faith.  You shall know the truth (Jesus is the word, thy word is truth) and the truth shall set you free.  It must be living heart knowledge that moves us to active believing.  


These are days where we must move beyond the place of knowing to making sure we are living fully engaged in the midst of circumstances trusting the Greater One who lives in us. We must fight the good fight of faith and take what is ours through the authority committed to us in That Name.  


Our adversary, the devil, the accuser, the father of all lies, will simply not yield uncontested ground. Therefore where we are complacent, we will live with restriction and limitations, not because God does not love us or care about what we are experiencing but simply because we choose not to take the weapons given to us and find our strength in God to fight for what is ours.


Jesus said, when He met Satan in the wilderness, “man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”  There is no abundant life without exalting Gods word.  


Secondly He said, “you shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.”  We must evaluate every circumstance in our lives to make sure the circumstances are not defining us leaving us to worship the lie and thus giving undue glory to the Father of all lies, Satan.


We spend our time trying to get problems out of our lives but if we spent the same energy staying vitally connected to Him, full of the Holy Spirit; He then becomes the supernatural barrier which deflects every fiery dart of the evil one. 


All His promises are Yes and we add our Amen to them.