In the beginning God created…. Genesis 1:1 

Another wonderful little word….NEW, that I would like to share with you this week.  

We are promised NEW mercies with each NEW day.  We have been given a NEW covenant that brings a NEW creation wth old things passing away and all things being made NEW and all NEW things being of God. 

We are given a NEW Spirit and we have a NEW self that lives from a NEW way in NEWness of life with a NEW commandment and we find ourselves in one NEW man unified. 

Yet in all this that we have already been given we find that the best is yet to come. 

From the book of Revelation we find we will be given a NEW name in the NEW Jerusalem, singing a NEW song from a NEW heaven and a NEW Earth.  

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things NEW.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

Revelation 21: 5

This all stirred in me as the Spirit highlighted scripture from Lev. 26:10 to me. God is rehearsing His Blessings for Obedience to the Children of Israel, which by the way, begins in verse three with the word “IF”, but on to verse ten ~ 

“You shall eat old store long kept, and you shall clear out the old to make way for the new”.

Jesus tells us from Luke’s gospel that NEW wine must be put into NEW wineskins.  I think we are all aware that God is doing a NEW thing.  We are perceiving NEW is coming, things are changing.  God is decreeing and creating.  The question is ~ Am I ready for the NEW

What must be removed from my life, my both naturally and spiritually that will make room for His NEW?   Am I becoming a NEW wineskin to hold the power, the presence judgement and authority required to administrate the Kingdom of God here on the earth.

We know Pauls press from Philippians chapter three could have been hindered by his refusal to forget the things of His past, but the admonition is to forget, clear out the old!

The danger is holding onto the old we know because it has become palatable, tasty and comfortable to us. 

 We know how the old ways work.  They can be strongholds and obstacles to forward motion.  BUT GOD who is at work within us is moving us into a deeper intimacy with HIM and from this place He works forming the NEW wineskins that He will pour  into with NEW wine that can be poured out.  

Jesus held a NEW word that was with such power and authority that those who heard were astonished, “What a word is this?  Where did you get such authority? This is His church on the earth that is coming forth in NEWness of life.  

My prayer is that we all our choosing to be a part of HIS NEW.