
Matthew 5:46 illustrates two important truths; firstly, that if we love only those we get a return from, that’s simply a non-rewarding, transactional love - like a business agreement a tax collector might make- and secondly, we are called to and apparently capable of living a higher love. I suppose if the fellows were listening on the Mount that day, that this might have been a quiet moment. (Anyway, It certainly gets still around my house whenever I read this.)

The portion of Truth contained here tells us WHAT to do, but alas, not HOW to do it. Here- we become so mindful of the Holy Spirit; so closely connected in scripture with the empowering love of God poured, repeatedly, into our hearts and lives. We can’t live this love in our strength.

Through prayer and through the Word, the Holy Spirit constantly revives and realigns us to live the higher life of love, no longer tethered to what we may receive back from others but free to learn, grow and express love for Love’s sake, into every arena of our life.

Paul unfolds this beautifully in 2 Cor 12:15 by telling the Corinthians that he is ready to spend himself and to be completely spent up on behalf of their souls. He can look down the road from that moment and envision the day that he’s completely spent out, knowing the great risk at that point of them no longer valuing or needing him in their lives. He chooses to spend himself anyway.

The only love that can soar unhindered, above human turmoil , pain and grief is the Love of God. While the tremendous price of obtaining it requires a daily, intimate, correcting walk with Love Himself, the value of living free from others responses is so infinitely more freeing and rewarding, that in it’s own way- it is the Pearl of Great Price, worth spending all you have to obtain.

Pursue Love...it is just ahead. You’re almost on it now.