A canvas ~

I’ve been drawn lately to the idea, seen through Paul’s relationship with the Philippian church, that the people in our lives who are our intimates are best seen as an extension of God’s relationship, through those souls, to us. Paul said in chapter one and again in chapter four that he ‘thanked God for’ something the Philippians had done on his behalf. As beautiful as that is, I was really taken when he said in 4:19 ‘ But MY God shall supply all YOUR…’. With that statement, Paul acknowledged that his own relationship with God was also God’s relationship extended into the Philippians lives. Something was added by Paul the Philippians would not get in any other way. Something was added to Paul that he wouldn’t get exactly, in any other way.

So, if the people in our lives (most of them, anyway) are that divine bridge, what’s His point? By that I also mean, what’s God’s point in bringing certain kinds of people, repeatedly, into our lives? Would it be possible for us to look around, seeing those in our lives-especially the troublesome-and get an idea of what the Lord was trying to draw, or correct, or redraw on our own soul?

I don’t say heart here as I’m not thinking of motives or affections. I’m thinking of personality and identity. I’m thinking of God always working me (us) toward being a better, which means different and more whole person.

I think most of us look around at our world, considering some around us liabilities and others assets. Some bring good, some bring …not so good. Maybe we need a mind change that sees the life and people around us as the brush and paints the Lord uses to make us a masterpiece. And like any masterpiece, it’s drawn, corrected, redrawn until it’s absolutely refined into the Master’s vision.

Perhaps then the question we need to ask ourselves isn’t ‘what can I do to change this person, or this circumstance?’ Maybe we should ask ‘who does the Lord expect me to be in this moment? Perhaps asking what truth do I need to wrestle with prayerfully that would make me, and that individual both, more perfectly Christlike.

Perhaps I, as the canvas being painted, should stop fighting the colours application and allow Him to make me as He wishes.