Be renewed

…and be renewed in the spirit of your mind,

Ephesians 4:23

It’s hard for me to fathom, how I managed to miss for over forty years, that I can’t actually renew my own mind. Hmmm, evidently what you’re taught as a young believer does matter. Especially if one ( me) happens to think he’s grasped the full thought. Tying the verb ‘be’ above with the word ‘spirit’ gives a strong clue that this is a spiritual exercise.

Certainly we have to position ourselves for the Spirit to renew our minds but it’s good to be reminded he’s the One doing the work and causing the effect.

It’s a delicate and sometimes a slow process. It’s a challenge to renew the mind, without wounding the human and always broken spirit that drives it. It’s hard for us all, at times, to embrace ‘what’s right’ without feeling very wrong(ed).

It’s my right now prayer, that the Spirit of life within you is able to bubble up into the extremities of your soul, and so radicalise all of your, and our thinkings and feelings, that a time of having never held the thoughts of God, is a distant and vague memory for each of us.