Fear of the Lord

Isaiah 11:2 closes talking about the “…the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.” Malachi 3:16 further tells us that “…those who feared, spoke…

a book of remembrance was written…of those who feared and thought on his name.”

These mashed up phrases tell us that the Fear of the Lord isn’t a thought, philosophy or event but rather a Spirit. A Spirit that so touches our spirit that we talk to one another about Him; which makes sense because we all easily talk about what we fear. Everyday we talk about money, the state of the world and whatever may be our current problem(s).

This reads like more than discussing dread though. These are healthy conversations about God’s identity as seen through the lens of life. God’s identity first unveiled by His word and then confirmed by our very own experiences. After all, he gives us life, and all things that pertain unto life and godliness. He is intimately involved in our everyday living. He’s not hiding.

I’m going to watch what (read as ‘who’) I talk about today and I’m going to particularly listen to what’s said back. Perhaps in the thinking and talking one of us will see Him in a new or clearer way than we have previously. Maybe… our names will be written in a Book. And hopefully, through whatever our days may bring us, our names will never be blotted out of that book of remembrance.

Though our salvation experience began otherwise, our walk with Him is built on who He is, not primarily on who we aren’t. May He open eyes and hearts today to know Him for who He truly is.