Comfort of the Scriptures

As I read through psalms, I’m struck by how many times over my life, a seemingly small, personal phrase expressed a depth of personal -usually painful- sentiment I was struggling with.

It seemed the phrase or word would lightly, quickly touch my mind and heart with a sense of ‘hey- I know exactly how that feels.’ I’d note it and move on.

Sometimes, even years later, I’d come back and see the note or the phrase, that I couldn’t have even remembered, much less quoted and realise that had been the end of my troubling or fearful thought. That it had been the end of the troubler himself actually stirring my life up.

Psalms certainly isn’t the only book the Lord has spoken to me about my life from but I do think- with quite a bit of surprise- it must be the one He’s used the most to speak about my own, David McGrew, personal weaknesses, fears and brokennesses.

Somehow, the depth of emotion and pain it’s written in, mixed with a simple and enduring faith seems a cure for many ills.