
Why giving is important-

We’re all familiar with the thought in Philippians chapter four of the Lord meeting our needs through our generosity, but chapter one has some powerful, if more obscure, points to share regarding the importance of giving.

In chapter one, verse three’s two main, yet different, translated views, we find our starting spot. The first line of translation is that Paul mentions the Philippians in his prayers when he remembers them. The second view is that he remembers them because they have contributed from the first day until now and then mentions them in prayer.

Since verse five clearly points out they have made consistent contributions, the point is essentially the same conclusion: consistent giving shows an ongoing spiritual connection. It’s given to man, but it’s received in heaven.

The first clause of verse six picks up here : “OF THIS I am confident…”. Paul’s mention of their consistent giving and his personal confidence in their future spiritual growth, seems connected right there.

My favourite prayer bible draws out three thoughts here in stating Paul’s experience with their giving satisfies Paul that God initiated the good work and will continue to carry it on, right up until the end- the day of Christ.

The following prayer in chapter one is a prayer for increasing and pervading love. The thought of love giving, isn’t a new thought though.

What might be, is the thought that the ceasing of consistent, dutiful, charity might actively hinder love and growth.

Full disclosure: I spend most of my faith on my friends and loved ones- even the body in general- coming up to the measure of scripture’s mark for a believer. In this case that all would grow in love, knowledge and discernment.

While it’s a given in this passage, that need-meeting money is the main thought. We all know that there are many ways to contribute to the gospel. Participation in the work, sharing life, helping in any way is also a contribution. Therefore, withdrawal from participation is a withdrawal of contribution to the gospel.

Active physical engagement matters spiritually. We must watch ourselves and we must watch those committed to us by the Father and do all within our power to continue in all of our contributions.