
Isa 42:1

“Behold my servant whom I uphold…”

If the Lord Jesus needed to be upheld by the Father, then it’s surely not a small thing for us to accept all of His servant/sons must be upheld as well.

As I pray over my friends and colleagues, the drive-wheels of my mind find different purchase points in believing for that upholding. Some of them require more faith than others. Others require just a bit more honour and love. At any rate, it’s always me that needs the tune up and that tune up always comes with a sober understanding that much in the Kingdom is hinged on how we choose to see each other.

Working backwards in that phrase, I see that sometimes I don’t see people…as the Lord sees them. It’s in the ‘Beholding’ of my friends, my not-so-friends, my colleagues and the body of Christ in general, as His servant/sons, that my adjustments finally take place.

I must Behold what he wants me to ‘hold as being’, that is, that His servants take many forms, shapes and walk in pathways I know not. I must trust Him to hold them up- as He created and ordained them to exist and walk and trust Him to hold them as He designs.

It’s a wonderful and freeing thing to accept that in our flawed and broken diversity, that the great God of Oneness holds us all up for all to behold the Man Christ Jesus.