Fear of Death

The twentieth century New Testament in Revelation chapter two, last clause of verse twenty-three states “...and I will give to each one of you what his life deserves.”

It’s evident from this verse’s context that Jesus is speaking of the here and now.  He’s just finished pronouncing a here and now judgment on Jezebel and her children.  Further on in the letter he tells the church of their eternal reward if they’re able to overcome. He’s made it plain that some spiritual rewards -as untraceable as they may outwardly seem- come in this life time. This thought seems to accord with Paul to Timothy in 1Timothy 5:24/25 nicely. 

This also  reminds me of Hebrews 10:26-27 that says something like, if we keep on sinning nothing remains but a certain fearful expectation of judgment. 

And yet, that same epistle tells us believers that by taking on humanities nature, through death, Jesus has delivered us all, who were subject to slavery, all of our life time, from the fear of death. 

Don’t you suppose people living, yet afraid to die, intuitively believe there’s a reason that they deserve to die? Perhaps some vague gnawing of guilt, shame or even a confused uncertainty. 

This is exaggerated today, as the sum of all fears- dying unexpectedly from an unseen and unexpected cause- covid19 for instance, hangs over many weakened souls.

It is inconvenient and even a horrible thing to be sick. It’s worse to be sick unto death, and in some regards, being afraid is even worse than that. Fear doesn’t leave with it’s cause. 

Fear reaches into the core of a soul and claims it as a residence, forever renovating and expanding it’s dwelling until it may be violently rejected and overthrown by faith. 

Perhaps, even worse though, is the allowed guilt, shame and sense of inferiority that opens the door to fear in the first place. Remember the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. 

All sin....that which has consequences now. That which has eternal consequences. He’s cleansed us from all sin. 

And He’s promised great reward beyond cleansing. We’re not simply washed, in Christ we are restored. 

The reward he has in mind for you, in this life time and the world to come is rich, full and free. 

With your reward in your hand, come quickly Lord Jesus!