
Here’s a bible picture of ‘sublime’:

The Creator God, who calls things nonexistent as if they already were, and raises them from the dead when necessary; by His call to Abram, sublimated a human being, from the inside out, into Abraham.

First, God said it. Then Abram- in order to obey- had to begin to call himself Abraham ( that had to be awkward) and then everyone around, while looking at the contradiction, had to begin to use the name in order to get his attention or represent him. Through the process of time, all around were impacted.

Ten years of humiliation had to follow that first empty sound. In fact, miracle aside, Abraham and Sarah ( another required name change ) neither ever saw the full promise, except from afar. But see it they did.

I wonder, in my life and yours, what name ( identity ) changes were forced by the faith of God, into the fibre of our beings. Maybe you’re awkward calling yourself what God called you. Maybe you have a baby bump of truth you’re trying to hide by staying in the tent, away from others who wont understand why you made the choice to have that child.

Maybe even a little toddler of truth holds your hand and walks through life with you. Whatever stage your at, hold tightly to what He’s said about you. Hold tightly by saying what He said. Hold tightly by living it in front of others that they may hear and see where your truth is going.

Whatever of His voice might now resound in your heart, of His call and purpose for your life, before you stop reading this, once, aloud, to yourself- look up and say it…now.